Find plenty of new and old reading materials here.

Information on DMR

Lots of articles on antennas.  UHF to HF

Interesting link about the telegraph used in the Civil War.  Link submitted by Johyn Hager, N4KJU.

Propagation map for ham bands.

Listen to sdr’s from all over the world.  The ham bands plus  shortwave broadcast and utilities are available.  Many different modes are also available.

Links for renewing license


FCC License Manager Login


FCC Cores Registration


N5DUX Ham Radio PDFs


A huge list of documents on many different aspects of ham radio.  Your sure to find some material of interest to you here.


Sounds and Spectra of Digi-Modes

Pictures and recordings of various digital modes used on ham radio and shortwave utilities. Helpful in identifying some of the sounds you hear on HF radio.

Great slideshow for newer hams and those interested in becoming a ham.  Scroll through all of it to find many links that will be useful. Also, go to his main page for many links useful to all hams. Its at:

A whole lot of SDR receivers around the world that you can  control and listen to from your computer. If you want to know what a station in Russia hears on the ham bands, you can do that! Or listen to what you sound like from another location.