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“Amateur Radio Community Service”

P O Box 75

Paintsville, KY. 41240

Minutes for Meeting

June 6, 2024 Thursday


The KY4ARC met 07/11/2024

The meeting was called to order @ 7:00 pm by Ken Robinson, K4KBR.

The pledge of allegiance was said and prayer was led by Dave Heintzelman.

Virgil Ferguson read the minutes for the previous meeting. Austin Denyer read the treasurer’s report and reported the current balance.

 There were 20 people in attendances.

 A repeater update was given by AK4U Paul Combs & TJ Hoover. They installed a GMRS @ the Flatwoods site.  Paintsville’s, 147. 225, issue was checked out and fixed and weather radio was added back to the system. The Pikeville repeater was having an audio issue.

Frank Wells reported that Friendship net check ins total year to date is 5679 and as of July total of 318 for the month.

 Our club Hamfest is set for September 28th 2024 at the Paintsville REC. center . from  9:00am to 1:00 pm and information is on the website Our club has 5 door prizes to be given out the day of the hamfest , plus additional prizes throughout the event. Also, VE testing will be available for all of those interested in  getting  their license.

Field day report was 99 CW qso’s,  189 digital, & 69 SSB with a total of 357 contacts. We worked  47 states during the event.  A big thanks goes to the club members who participated .

A discussion for Allstar/Echolink node is in mind to be added at the Paintsville site .

Our Friendship net meets every night at 10pm .

KO4BVP, Richard, resigned as club President due to health issues and Ken, serving as VP nominated Frank Wells to serve in place of the vacant office for the remainder of the year. 

Motion was made to adjourn @ 8:19. Our next meeting will be 08/01/2024 @ Mayo Methodist Church in Paintsville @ 7:00 pm

 73’s fer Now . (Hope to see you on the Airwaves )

 President : Frank Wells KY4FW
Vice President : Ken Robinson, K4KBR
Treasurer : Austin Denyer, W4ALD
Secretary : Virgil Ferguson K4CUP